Hi fellows!
I’m trying to build a playbook for my infrastructure but I would like to be able to do something like this:
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
This playbook is quite simple, just some lines like this:
- import_playbook: glados.yml
- import_playbook: skynet.yml
- import_playbook: brainiac.yml
No big deal until now. The problem is: I also want to use ansible-pull so the machines (glados, skynet, brainiac, and so on) also be able to git clone and execute their respective playbook by themselves.
The problem is all around what I should put on “hosts:” line. If I just put “localhost” or “” just the ansible-pull will work. and if put the hostname just the ansible-playbook with the site.yml will work (because I have entries on the inventory file).
I quite resolved that creating a script to automate the installation (just execute the script into the machine and the magic happens) which generates a for-locally-use-only inventory:
echo “glados ansible_host= ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3” | sudo tee /etc/ansible/hosts
This allows me to use this host-only inventory to execute the ansible-pull and a broder inventory with the correct IPs to execute site.yml.
THere is a better, more elegant solution available?