Hi all,
I was trying to update ansible from 1.2 to 1.5 and noticed that I can no longer use “only_if” which has been replaced by “when”.
But when I try to run a shell task with this condition:
when: “len(filter(lambda m: m[‘mount’] == ‘/var/lib/myMount’, ‘{{ansible_mounts}}’)) == 0”
I get the following error:
error while evaluating conditional: len(filter(lambda m: m[‘mount’] == ‘/var/lib/myMount’, ‘[{u’size_total’: 8455118848, u’mount’: u’/‘, u’size_available’: 6891151360, u’fstype’: u’ext4’, u’device’: u’/dev/xvda1’, u’options’: u’rw’}, {u’size_total’: 16122802176, u’mount’: u’/mnt’, u’size_available’: 15129432064, u’fstype’: u’ext3’, u’device’: u’/dev/xvdb’, u’options’: u’rw,_netdev’}, {u’size_total’: 107321753600, u’mount’: u’/var/lib/myMount’, u’size_available’: 107250851840, u’fstype’: u’xfs’, u’device’: u’/dev/xvdf’, u’options’: u’rw,noatime’}]')) == 0
The ansible_mounts variable is being correctly returned as you can see in the error message.
I’ve tryed different combinations of positioning the quote marks but no luck.
Any help?
You won’t be able to use pure python in a when statement, you will have to handle it using jinja2.
I see 2 options for you:
- Use a combination of several jinja2 filters to get you what you want such as:
when: ansible_mounts|map(attribute=‘mount’)|intersect([‘/var/lib/myMount’])|length == 0
- Create your own custom jinja2 filter to do this.
Hi Matt,
That is a great suggestion! I will give it a try.
I overcame this by using this task:
- name: check mount point
shell: mount | sed -n -e ‘//var/lib/myMount.*/p’
register: result
and after that using the result variable on the when statement:
when: result.stdout==“”
It looks like your solution is more straightforward.
Thank you.
I should point out that trying to code in playbooks is usually the sign that you’re trying too hard to do something.
It should almost always be thought of as “what is the easier way?”
If syntax looks offensive, it is a sign simplification is needed – that’s the Ansible way, basically.
A simple shell call to check if the particular directory is in the output of “mount” would be cleaner.
- shell: baz
when: foo.rc != 2
would be preferable.
Alternatively, you could also write a custom facts module that returned the mounts
- action: my_mount_facts
- shell: baz
when: ‘foo’ in mounts
Things like that.