Running on Windows

Funny. I'd love to have some sort of ansible support on windows though,
even if it was just ansible-pull. One of my last major reasons to need to
keep some other 'thou shall not be named' CF management tool around around
is for the windows support.

Yeah I think any starting point may be useful for inspiration, I’d be interested in seeing what you had.

Though I do think it needs to not be pull based, nor require ansible installation… and we need to figure out how to make that work.

Hi Michael,

Ansible is great by the way, I am loving using it.

OK, having cleaned out (hopefully) all incriminating evidence, here it is. There’s not much to it but it pretty much follows the no-bootstrap philosophy of ansible.It is push, not pull based and doesn’t need any new software installed, although powershell remoting isn’t enabled by default for security reasons so there is still some work to do before it’s enabled.

Please be kind, I am not much of a developer :). Still it works and is a hell of a lot better than RDPing into 20 windows boxes one after another, waiting for the gui, start->run->powershell etc etc

It would appear that Powershell 3’s workflow constructs use a similar philosophy but I didn’t know about them when I wrote this (Powershell 3 wasn’t out).

When I used it we combined it with a library of powershell modules, but these were very specific to the company I worked for and not much use outside so I’ve excluded them.



I am quite new to Ansible (did some try-outs on Ubuntu before) but thought of using it at my new job:
They asked me to make a script to install a bunch of tools on Windows computers, as a replacement for some BAT-scripting…

Although I was under the impression that Windows was also supported, I now get the impression (from reading this thread) that it is still ‘experimental’…

Did you had the time to evaluate Shlomo’s effort?
Could I use the same playbook syntax?



There’s no Windows support.

Will let you know when there might be.

All the previous thread comments still apply :slight_smile:


I’m not sure what your exact needs are, but FWIW you might want to have a look at or

  • seb

ansible doesn’t support windows, some stuff CAN be made to work with cygwin but I don’t recommend it as an option.

1 note, with cygwin you CAN use windows as a ‘master’ and most stuff just works. Windows being a configuration target is what doesn’t work well at all.

One of the main blockers is that there is currently no remote PowerShell client library that run on non-Windows machines. I believe it’s technically possible to build one, since the spec is documented, but nobody’s done it.


There are winrm clients for multiple languages. That should do the trick.

Hi all,

We are quite aware of many options to do this.

No need to respond on this very old thread and stay tuned as this is something we want to address this year.