Is it possible to run long running task without killing it, I did try async fire-forget but it still requires to enter time?
Or let me ask it this way, How do i run a java app on machines, for which i might need to change parameters when i start it off.
basically kickoff a java process (jar) with some parameters, if i wish to change it, kill the java process running and restart with new parameters. This is for our dev environment.
Is it possible to run long running task without killing it, I did try async
fire-forget but it still requires to enter time?
Just set the time to some very high value, like a day or two.
Or let me ask it this way, How do i run a java app on machines, for which i
might need to change parameters when i start it off.
basically kickoff a java process (jar) with some parameters, if i wish to
change it, kill the java process running and restart with new parameters.
This is for our dev environment.
If you want to do something that runs forever, it seems you should
write a service init script.
Thank you very much, for now I will just set it as a Day and also look at writing an init script and also reading a config file, As i need to change parameters.
One last question in this thread, When i run a playbook in async mode, I do not get the job id, But i can go on the remote node and find it. Is there a way i can kill the jobs by jobid, I did try async_status mode cleanup, But that does not kill the long running task,