Running exe file on windows from linux control machine


I am trying to install our product on windows machine. I tried “raw” command. It kicks off the install on windows but the install fails in the middle of the execution with “out of memory error” though there is free memory in the system. When same install I tried without ansible, from command prompt it is working fine. I tried increasing the value MaxMemoryPerShellMB, still same issue is noticed.

Is there a way to resolve this issue ?

Instead of raw command, thought of executing the exe file using Win_package. But it needs product id and name. Dont know what should be given for those arguments.


Assuming your product is 64 bit, you can also install it on a windows machine somewhere and look in the following location in the registry to find the product_id:


The package_id is only used to check whether the package has already been installed so you could put a made up value you, run win_package to install it, then check the registry value

Hope this helps,
