Running ansible content fails on kubernetes host

Good Afternoon,
So I have a problem, I am wondering if there is an easy way around it that I am just not seeing. So, we have AWX running in a kubernetes environment. The cluster nodes are all ansible managed. We have noticed that if we run a playbook from AWX against the cluster that it lives on, then the playbook will fail on the host that AWX is currently running on. For example, if AWX is currently living on node1, and we run the playbook, it will succeed on node2, node3,node4, but fail on node1.

Is there a way around this, other than running the ansible content from say, my desktop, or a makeshift control node? I feel like there is an obvious solution here, but I am missing something here.


how are you getting your list of inventory to target those nodes? are you using Public IPs or addresses local to the k8s cluster. Overall sounds like a routing issue within k8s.

Can you bump up verbosity on the job template and provide the error messages after running a job?

AWX Team