we have use cloudformation to create a stack in aws. We are now trying to figure out how to get the actual edx platform code to deploy and run on those newly configured servers. We have figured out we have to run main.yml in playbooks/roles/edxapp/tasks/ to have the code deploy on the servers, but we get:
ERROR: file is not a legal parameter in an Ansible Playbook
when running the command: ansible-playbook -vvv ~/repos/edx-configuration/playbooks/roles/edxapp/tasks/main.yml -e ‘region=eu-west-1 key=edX name=edx-configuration’
we have use cloudformation to create a stack in aws. We are now trying to
figure out how to get the actual edx platform code to deploy and run on
those newly configured servers. We have figured out we have to run main.yml
in playbooks/roles/edxapp/tasks/ to have the code deploy on the servers,
but we get:
*ERROR: file is not a legal parameter in an Ansible Playbook*
when running the command: * **ansible-playbook -vvv
~/repos/edx-configuration/playbooks/roles/edxapp/tasks/main.yml -e
'region=eu-west-1 key=edX name=edx-configuration'*
What's happening here is that you're attempting to run a role as a full
playbook, but that's not exactly how it works. The tasks in roles are not
full plays, but rather a list of actions. The reason you're getting the
error about "file" is because Ansible doesn't know you're attempting to run
tasks yet.