Run Repadmin on the Domain controller from ansible task server

I am trying to figure out, how to run repadmin on the Domain controller itself:

  • name: Sync Active Directory With New Changes repadmin /syncall ‘{{ server.domain }}’ /AdeP
    become: yes
    become_method: runas
    become_user: ‘{{ server.domain }}\username’

The above tries to run on the task server, that has the AD modules installed, but I would like to run the above on the domain
controller itself.

Would we use the delegate option and then specify the Domain controller? Thanks

This works from the ansible task server using powershell:

$password = “xxx” | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$username = “xx\xxxxx”
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName DC01 -credential $Credential -ScriptBlock { repadmin /syncall /AdeP }

How can I use the above to be able to use it using the module, in ansible? Thanks

I managed to figure out how to do this, if anyone is interested, used invoke-command:

  • name: Sync Active Directory With New Changes
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName ‘{{ server.dc }}’ -ScriptBlock { repadmin /syncall /AdeP }
    become: yes
    become_method: runas
    ansible_become_user: ‘{{ server.domain }}\username of a domain admin account’
    ansible_become_password: ‘{{ ansible_password }}’
    become_user: “{{ server.domain }}\username of a domain admin account”