RPM specs for ansible-awx


As I can see, there is some interest about RPM packages for AWX project. I am interested in it too, so here some specs for building all-in-one RPM:


I understand that it will require some work to keep it up to date, but I think its real if there are enough interested people.

This is fantastic!



I have setup autobuilds of awx, based on the work from subuk…


Sounds great, i will try that out as soon as possible!

Martin Juhl and Matvey Kruglov did very good job on preparing RPM install approach.

I setup two test AWX instances, one is 1.0.2 and the other is latest 1.0.5 using RPM approach.

But I had to back out and use docker approach to because AWX team won’t debug instance using rpm approach.

Anyone know what are remaining tasks to have/persude AWX project support rpm approach ?