hey there, i’m trying to manage a bunch of centos5/rhel5 systems with ansible 2.7.5
On the target host I am able to install python 2.6 from epel which is all good and ansible runs just fine for most stuff. The issue is with anything related to packages (ie . package_facts and package). They both rely on the “rpm” python library.
Problem is, I can’t figure out how to install this library on centos 5. It seems the library is not available in epel
I tried building from source but I then get the error below:
Python 2.6.8 (unknown, Nov 7 2012, 14:47:45)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52)] on linux2
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
import rpm
rpm.py:15: UserWarning: The RPM Python bindings are not currently available via PyPI.
Please install them with your distro package manager (typically called
‘python2-rpm’ or ‘python3-rpm’), and ensure that any virtual environments
needing the API are configured to be able to see the system site packages
If I can’t get this working, I guess my only options are to either just not manage packages on the legacy centos/rhel5 boxes or see about running an older version (multiple versions) of ansible within AWX.
Just wondering if anyone has went through this already and can provide any tips.
If you can install a newer python on the machines you should be able
to manage them by setting the inventory variable
"ansible_python_interpreter" for them to the path of the alternate
python interpreter.
hi Steve. the python interpreter is not the issue. I am using python 2.6 without issues, the issue is the dependency on the rpm-python os package (python library). I cannot find/install this for centos5. the “rpm” library is not part of the standard python distro, it’s an extra library.
hey Matt, just to ensure i’m clear, after the rebuild do you just need to install the rpm-python26 rpm or does it create rebuilt versions of the yum and rpm distributions as well that all need to also be updated.
if it’s only rpm-python then I may give your build a shot, but I tried a bunch of things and I assume that there are newer versions of rpm libraries needed as well which look to be what your build is doing . That doesn’t look like fun, pretty impressive though
It creates a handful of RPMs that have to be installed, they are just the python 2.4 RPMs patched to build python 2.6 versions. They install alongside the existing python2.4 RPMs and should not interfere with them.