roles and first_available_file + relative path


I started to refactor my play books to roles as described in

If the task is in the role, the templates should be in the templates
directory. This is working, for example in this scenario:

- name: "[box_info] os production type identification"
  tags: box_info
  action: template src=box_info/box_info.j2 dest=/etc/box_info owner=root
group=root mode=0644

If I try to use file selector based on template as described on

- name: "[ntp] setup ntp.conf"
  action: template src=$item dest=/etc/ntp.conf backup=no owner=root
group=root mode=0644
    - ntp/ntp.conf.$ansible_fqdn.j2
    - ntp/ntp.conf.$ansible_distribution.j2
    - ntp/ntp.conf.default.j2
  tags: ntp
    - restart service ntp

I got error
TASK: [[ntp] setup ntp.conf]

lookup plugins do not yet know about role basedirs.

There’s a ticket open on this.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for quick answer.
My next question is how will lookup plugin handle the lookup.
The recommend directory structure is roles//{files, templates}.
What in case there will be same filename in files and templates?

Generally I prefer to have common directory for files and templates and put “module” files in subdirectories like ‘ntp’, ‘ssh’, ‘zabbix’, …
It would be also easier to write lookup plugin with roles support :wink:

Do you think is hard to implement this feature in the lookup module ?

Best regards

The idea is lookup plugins would obey the same rules (looking in files), so there’s a template lookup plugin, and I’m not sure about that yet. It might look in templates, TBD.

As for complexity, will have to see when I do it, but it’s not impossible :slight_smile: