Return value from Bash to Ansible


I’m using Ansible 1.7.2 and I’ve written a Bash module to use at a very early stage of Linux installation (Python not fully available yet). It works correctly except that the return value is seen as stdout and is not interpreted as a special value (changed, failed, skipped, ok).



  • name: my action
    shell: /path/to/ {{ my_arg }}
    when: my_arg is defined


echo ‘ok: true’
exit 0



[root@my_host] # ansible-playbook -v -l $(hostname -s) -c local /path/to/my_playbook.yml
TASK: [my action] *************************************************************
changed: [my_host] => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “/path/to/ my_arg”, “delta”: “0:00:00.255756”, “end”: “2015-04-22 15:54:57.077314”, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2015-04-22 15:54:56.821558”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “ok: true”}


In the execution, you can read “ok: true” in stdout. I would like to get it instead of “changed”: true. I tried many different syntaxes to tell Ansible I had no change in the script, without any success:

echo ‘{“ok”: “true”}’
echo ‘{ok=True}’
echo ‘ok: True’
echo ‘ok=True’
echo ‘ok=true’


What did I do wrong? Thanks in advance for your explanations.

shell/command/raw actions by default are always changed, you want to
use the changed_when clause. The return of ok/changed=true/false only
works for modules written in shell, not for scripts called from shell
module (FYI, there is also script module).

Guy, you saved my day!

You are right, my script is not a module, it is just called by the shell module. Then using the changed_when clause did the job. Here is the code.



  • name: my action
    shell: /path/to/ {{ my_arg }}
    register: script
    changed_when: script.rc == “changed”
    when: my_arg is defined


echo “rc=changed”
exit 0



[root@my_host] # ansible-playbook -v -l $(hostname -s) -c local /path/to/my_playbook.yml
TASK: [my action] *************************************************************
ok: [my_host] => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “/path/to/ 2015-04-05”, “delta”: “0:00:00.213521”, “end”: “2015-04-22 17:17:54.159018”, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2015-04-22 17:17:53.945497”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: }


Thank you very much, Brian!

I don't think this is right, script.rc reflects the return code, which is an integer in the range 0 and 255. In your case this is 0 because you did a "exit 0". So it can never be "changed".

Why not make your script into an Bash ansible module and have it return "changed": true ? Here is a simple example of how to achieve this:

The bash module: