I can drill down into hostvars like this:
- debug:
msg: “looking at interface macs: {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].facter_ec2_metadata.network.interfaces.macs }}”
And I get something like this:
ok: [db01.deva.ecm] => {
“msg”: “looking at interface macs: {u’xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx’: {u’local-hostname’: u’ip-10-1-1-9.us-west-1.compute.internal’, u’security-groups’: u’sg_me’, u’vpc-ipv4-cidr-blocks’: u’’, u’subnet-id’: u’subnet-009ae259d26e44f23’, u’vpc-ipv4-cidr-block’: u’’, u’interface-id’: u’eni-0f706387a1423f329’, u’mac’: u’xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, u’security-group-ids’: u’sg-034d209d935486e41’, u’local-ipv4s’: u’’, u’owner-id’: u’784710449476’, u’subnet-ipv4-cidr-block’: u’’, u’device-number’: u’0’, u’vpc-id’: u’vpc-1710943aba582459a’}}”
I get an error if I try to find the first/only mac address with the [0] approach like this:
{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].facter_ec2_metadata.network.interfaces.macs[0] }}
{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].facter_ec2_metadata.network.interfaces.macs.0 }}
What’s the trick to get to the values within the mac address?
Any tips would be appreciated, thanks,