Hi list,
I posted a while back about a way to parallelize Openstack node creation. To recap, I have a role with the following task:
- name: Set up API connections for all Openstack nodes
name: “os_api_{{ item }}”
groups: os_api
ansible_connection: local
oshost: “{{ item }}”
with_items: cluster
This gives me a bunch of API connections which I run in parallel in another role and task:
name: Launch cluster VM on Openstack
name: “{{ os_username }}_{{ oshost }}”
state: present
login_username: “{{ os_username }}”
login_tenant_name: “{{ os_tenant }}”
login_password: “{{ os_password }}”
image_id: “{{ os_image_id }}”
key_name: “{{ os_username }}_controller_key”
wait_for: 200
flavor_id: “{{ os_flavor_id }}”
auth_url: “{{ os_url }}”
user_data: “{{ lookup(‘template’, ‘…/templates/cloud-config.j2’) }}” -
name: Assign IP address to cluster VM
state: present
login_username: “{{ os_username }}”
login_password: “{{ os_password }}”
login_tenant_name: “{{ os_tenant }}”
network_name: “{{ os_network_name }}”
instance_name: “{{ os_username }}_{{ oshost }}”
internal_network_name: “{{ os_internal_network_name }}”
auth_url: “{{ os_url }}”
register: quantum_info -
name: Wait for cluster SSH to become available
port: 22
host: “{{ quantum_info.public_ip }}”
timeout: 180
state: started -
name: Retrieve cluster public SSH host key
shell: “ssh-keyscan {{ quantum_info.public_ip }}”
register: scanned_key
Now I have a list of IPs for the configured hosts. I want to record their SSH host key, as captured by “scanned_key”. If I add the following, will it safely serialize access to the local “known_hosts” file:
- name: Set SSH known_hosts entry
dest: ~/.ssh/known_hosts
line: “{{ scanned_key.stdout }}”
state: present
regexp: "^{{ quantum_info.public_ip }} "
delegate_to: localhost
Is this the recommended way to do it?