Restart the java application , first killing the process

Hi Team ,

I am planning to do up gradation some app and for so we need to restart the java application once my other app is upgraded and for so , i have written a playbook.

can someone please help to write a play for starting the application . ( Start command i have grep from "ps -ef | grep java | grep newrelic )

[root@chnr1-book4flights4extapi-1 ~]# ps -ef | grep java | grep newrelic
lmny+ 8328 1 0 Jul09 ? 06:10:13 java -server -Xms1g -Xmx3g -d64 -Dnewrelic.config.distributed_tracing.enabled=true -XX:+UseG1GC -Dct.ctconfig.consul.server= -Dct.common.servertype=book4flights4extapi -Dapp.context.path=book,book4flights4extapi -javaagent:/opt/cal/newrelic/newrelic.jar -jar /opt/cal/latest.war

Note** - letter in bold letter is start command.

Command to start the application is :- nohup java -server -Xms1g -Xmx3g -d64 -Dnewrelic.config.distributed_tracing.enabled=true -XX:+UseG1GC -Dct.ctconfig.consul.server= -Dct.common.servertype=book4flights4extapi -Dapp.context.path=book,book4flights4extapi -javaagent:/opt/cal/newrelic/newrelic.jar -jar /opt/cal/latest.war &


- name: Create a directory to take the backup of old new relic configuration
path: /opt/cal/newrelic/newrelic_old
state: directory
mode: ‘0755’

- name: To take the backup of all the existing new configuration of newrelic
shell: “mv /opt/cal/newrelic/newrelic* /opt/cal/newrelic/newrelic_old/”

- name: " To update the new relic version of jar "
src: /home/raviranjan/newrelic/{{ item }}
dest: /opt/cal/newrelic/
- newrelic.jar
- newrelic.yml

- name: To get the running process for newrelic
shell: "ps -ef | grep java | grep newrelic | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs kill -9 "
register: running_process

- name: To start the application

any guidance would be much appreciated

You’re better off using your OS daemon functionality like systemd or rc.d script and letting the os handle all of this rather than trying to reinvent all of that in Ansible. Then you can use a notify to the service module in a handler.
