Request to see your AWS playbooks!

Hi all,

Increasingly our AWS modules are building up more and more options.

By far, many people are just using the basic options (like the ec2 module + add_host, etc).

Though some folks are doing quite more involved things, not just stopping at ec2 and security groups.

We have new modules for autoscaling configurations and more.

I’d be very interested in seeing some of your ec2 playbooks as they grow, to see how people are using Ansible for AWS setup in the wild – compared to what I’ve seen from customers and github.

The goal of this is to make sure we understand how people are using things.

If you’d like to share your AWS related playbooks (note: I don’t need them for Rackspace or GCE – these cloud providers don’t have the same complexity levels in module usage… at least yet), email me off list at with the email subject “AWS Playbooks”.

If you are just doing basic ec2 provisioning + add_host + wait_for, this is probably not what I’m looking for, but I’m definitely hoping to see some of the more complex ways people are using things.

We intend to use this to help improve the AWS guide, in addition to understanding usage.

(Note: if you do send me anything, please remember to remove your AWS credentials! Hosting on github can be a thing, but just copy and pasting the main text of your provisioning playbook is good too – I’d rather not deal with tarballs as we’re not going to be running any of these)

Thanks very much!
