Hi, have not been working with Ansible for a yr+, one of my playbooks not working anymore:
- name: Edit node-RED config.js
path: “{{folder.apps}}/{{ iotp_app }}/data/settings.js”
regexp: “{{ item.regexp }}”
replace: “{{ item.replace }}”
backup: yes
owner: “{{user_details.nodered.usr}}”
group: “{{user_details.nodered.gp}}”
with_items: - { regexp: ‘//credentialSecret: “a-secret-key”,’, replace: ‘credentialSecret: “{{ credentialSecret }}”,’ }
- { regexp: “//httpAdminRoot: ‘/admin’,”, replace: “httpAdminRoot: ‘/admin’,”}
- { regexp: “enabled: false”, replace: “enabled: true”}
tags: - lines
Enter code here…
I also replaced with_items, still not working.
Getting following error:
ERROR! ‘loop’ is not a valid attribute for a Play
Same with with_items -
Now on:
- ansible 2.8.4
- python version = 2.7.14
Any ideas?