I am working on a playbook to replace the comment field in a server’s password file. I was trying to use the replace module to do this. But it began crashing on one server. By elimination I was able to isolate the problem to one user’s account entry in the password file. The user is Danish and his name contains the minuscule character (small o with a slash through it, hexadecimal f8). If I replace that character with the ‘o’ character, the replace module works fine, but if I put the minuscule charter back, it crashes. Interestingly, the lineinfile module does not have this problem, only the replace module is affected.
The company I work for is based in Copenhagen, so this is going to be an ongoing issue and I don’t think I am going to be able to convince everyone to spell their names differently, so the module needs to be repaired. What is the best way to submit a bug? The version of Ansible we are currently using is 2.7.5.
I think https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues is your best bet.
Assuming you're talking about the local /etc/passwd file, the user
module can handle the gecos field.
A very good point. I was looking at it as a file of strings that needed to be modified. It didn't occur to me to look at the purpose of the file and any modules written directly for the file.