Removing unicode from output

I was reading some suggestions on how to remove the u’ unicode presentation from my output, but none of them work. Here’s what I’m trying:

  • name: Set List of user’s information
    user_info: “{{ user_show.results | json_query(‘[*].json.result.result.{uid: uid[0], email: mail[0], sn: sn[0], fullname: cn[0], givenName: givenname[0], telephonenumber: telephonenumber[0], homedir: homedirectory[0]}’) | list | to_yaml }}”

  • name: Prepare report
    src: files/users.csv.j2
    dest: /tmp/users.csv
    delegate_to: localhost
    run_once: true

In the template file, I’m trying to output the each entry as a new line in the CSV file:

{% for user in user_info %}
{{ user.uid,,user.fullname,user.givenName,,user.telephonenumber,user.homedir }}
{% endfor %}

If I do NOT use the to_yaml (or to_nice_yaml) filter, I get the output I want, but with the u’ on each string. If I do use the filter on the variable above, I get a bunch of AnsibleUndefined as seen below:

With to_yaml:
(AnsibleUndefined, AnsibleUndefined, AnsibleUndefined, AnsibleUndefined, AnsibleUndefined, AnsibleUndefined, AnsibleUndefined)

Without to_yaml:

(u’user1’, u’User1’, u’Test User1’, u’Test’, u’’, u’(609) xxx-yyyy’, u’/home/user1’)
(u’user2’, u’User2’, u’Test User2’, u’Test’, u’’, u’(609) xxx-yyyy’, u’/home/user2’)

Any ideas?

The problem here is that your template is creating a python tuple, and not creating a CSV of values

You likely want this instead:

{{ user.uid }},{{ }},{{ user.fullname }},{{ user.givenName }},{{ }},{{ user.telephonenumber }},{{ user.homedir }}

Thanks Matt! Worked like a charm. I knew I was overlooking something, just wasn’t sure what it was.
