Hi there,
I have a question.
I’m writing an ansible playbook for my cisco ASA device. As part of the playbook, I need to reset the “Current BOOT variable” in below output.
sec/stby/Fw4Script(config)# show bootvar
BOOT variable = disk0:/asa916-10-k8.bin;disk0:/asa916-k8.bin
Current BOOT variable = disk0:/asa916-10-k8.bin;disk0:/asa916-k8.bin;disk0:/asa823-k8.bin
CONFIG_FILE variable =
Current CONFIG_FILE variable =
And it should be done by 3 steps:
no boot system disk0:/asa823-k8.bin
no boot system disk0:/asa916-k8.bin
no boot system disk0:/asa916-10-k8.bin
So Ansible should get the output and register it, and remove the variables(which are seperated by “;” in the output) one by one.
Anyone has any idea how to do it?