Removing the variables(which are seperated by ";" in the output of the previous command) one by one for cisco ASA device

Hi there,

I have a question.

I’m writing an ansible playbook for my cisco ASA device. As part of the playbook, I need to reset the “Current BOOT variable” in below output.

sec/stby/Fw4Script(config)# show bootvar

BOOT variable = disk0:/asa916-10-k8.bin;disk0:/asa916-k8.bin
Current BOOT variable = disk0:/asa916-10-k8.bin;disk0:/asa916-k8.bin;disk0:/asa823-k8.bin
CONFIG_FILE variable =
Current CONFIG_FILE variable =

And it should be done by 3 steps:

no boot system disk0:/asa823-k8.bin

no boot system disk0:/asa916-k8.bin

no boot system disk0:/asa916-10-k8.bin

So Ansible should get the output and register it, and remove the variables(which are seperated by “;” in the output) one by one.

Anyone has any idea how to do it?

Probably register the output, filter by “Current BOOT variable”, then apply some regular expressions to match, and use that again later.