remove mysql

trying to remove mysql from a previous install

trying to remove mysql from a previous install

- hosts: all
become: true
- vars/default.yml

- name: Uninstall MySQL packages.
apt: name={{ item }} state=absent
- mysql-server
- mysql-client

but not working

To me it looks like it works (removing the packages), but your syntax is outdated.

It should be

       - mysql-server
       - mysql-client


this was the original install and I am just trying to reverse the installs

I tried this pb but its not uninstalling

I tried this pb but its not uninstalling

Can you be more specific? What version of Ansible are you using, what version of Debian/Ubuntu is the server you’re working on?

What is the output of this command when you run it on the machine you’re wanting to remove the packages from:

apt list | egrep ‘^mysql-server/|^mysql-client/|^python3-pymysql/|^php/|^libapache2-mod-php/’

Can you write a playbook with just the single task and run it with “-vvv” and paste the output in a response here?

The indenting in your previous example is slightly askew, and it is missing the “state: absent” parameter, but I’ll make the assumption that is just a copy-and-paste error.

    this was the original install and I am just trying to reverse the installs

What is the distribution and the release of the target server(s)?


control server is ubuntu 19.10
client is 20.04

ok working now

are these 2 pb doing same thing?

The actions that those two tasks perform look to be the same, but you should update the “name:” field to better reflect that the job is removing/un-installing those packages.