Remove last characters(.zip) from listed output llines in windows ansible

Hi all,

I wanted to remove the .zip from output line in the ansible from below;

“result.stdout_lines”: [

for remove .zip I added task as below:

  • debug: msg=“{{ result.stdout_lines[0:-2] }}”
  • “{{ result.stdout_lines }}”

but output is remove the “” and “”, not .zip

Could you please let me know how to remove the .zip from each line?
the expected output should be;
" Database_0.0.100",
“hotfix-QCIM1H126382-v3”, …etc…

Best regards,

This debug probably fix the problem

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ item[:-4] }}"
      loop: "{{ result.stdout_lines }}"

, but to get the modified list use this

    - set_fact:
        my_list: "{{ result.stdout_lines|
                     map('regex_replace', regex, replace)|
                     list }}"
        regex: '(.*?)(\.zip)?'
        replace: '\1'

