remote module (vmware_guest_find) does not support check mode

I am trying to connect to vshpere and get the below message

#- name: "Find more info on {{vcenter_info[vsphere-env].vcenter_hostname}} {{vsphere_login}} VM - {{ vm_name }} {{vsphere_passwd}} "

  • name: "Find more info on {{ vsphere_env }} {{vsphere_login}} {{ vm_name }} "
    hostname: “{{vcenter_info[vsphere_env].vcenter_hostname}}”
    username: “{{vsphere_login}}”
    password: “{{vsphere_passwd}}”
    validate_certs: False
    name: “{{ vm_name }}”
    delegate_to: localhost
    register: vm_folder

  • debug:
    var: vm_folder

Message :

skipping: [localhost] => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “remote module (vmware_guest_find) does not support check mode”}


how are you running 'ansible-playbook' command? If you are passing
"-C" or "--check" then the message is expected; you might want to
create a feature request for vmware_guest_find to support check_mode.
Otherwise it might be a bug.
