Release Announcement: Ansible community package 8.7.0

Hello everyone,

We’re happy to announce the release of the Ansible 8.7.0 package!

Ansible 8.7.0 includes ansible-core 2.15.7 as well as a curated set of

Ansible collections that provide a vast number of modules and plugins.

How to get it

This release is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:

$ python3 -m pip install ansible==8.7.0 --user

The sources for this release can be found here:

Release tarball:



Wheel package:



Some important details

This release includes the mitigation of security issue CVE-2023-5764. See the porting guide below for details.

Python wheels are now available for both Ansible 8 and ansible-core

2.15, resulting in significantly improved installation performance.

In addition, Ansible 8 does not install some unnecessary files from

the included Ansible collections such as tests or hidden files and

directories. This further improves installation performance and

reduces the size on disk. These files are still available in the

source tarball if needed.

Collections which have opted-in to being a part of the Ansible 8

unified changelog will have an entry on this page:

For collections which have not opted-in to the unified changelog, you

may find more information on

source repository. For example, the community.crypto collection is

available at

and you can find a link to the source repository under the

“Repository(Sources)” button.

The changelog for ansible-core 2.15.7 installed by this release of

Ansible 8 can be found here:

What’s the schedule for new Ansible releases after 8.7.0?

This is the final release for Ansible 8 series. The next release roadmap can be found at

From now on, the Ansible community package release schedule will follow the Ansible Core release schedule, including (for example) delays for holidays. This means Ansible releases happen every four weeks through most of the year, but release dates may be delayed when Ansible Core release is.

For the upcoming holiday season, this means that there will be no Ansible release in early January 2024, but instead on January 30th, 2024.

Subscribe to the Bullhorn for all future release dates, announcements,

and Ansible contributor community news.

Visit this link to subscribe:

You can find all past Bullhorn issues on the official wiki page:

Join the new Ansible Community Forum to follow along and participate

in all the project and release related discussions and

announcements. Feel free to share your thoughts, feedback, ideas and concerns


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Porting Help

A unified porting guide for collections that have opted-in is available here:

Getting collection updates from Ansible 8 with older releases of ansible-core

Ansible 8 includes ansible-core 2.15 Based on your requirements,

you can get collection updates as they ship in the Ansible "batteries

included" package while continuing to use older versions of


An ansible-galaxy requirements file based on the collections from

Ansible 8 has been made available for this use case:

After you download the requirements file, the collections can be

installed by running this command:

“ansible-galaxy collection install -r galaxy-requirements.yaml”

Special Thanks

We would like to give a shout out with a big THANK YOU to @felixfontein and @oranod for making this release happen!

On behalf of the Ansible community, thank you and happy automating!


Ansible Community Team