Register variable in a loop can't access through with_items

Hi, I’m an ansible noob, and I’m following this tutorial to use the rax module to spin up and configure rackspace servers

It’s great but it’s not dynamic, as you can seemingly only add one server to the dynamic inventory. So I altered it to add servers through with_items like so


  • name: Rackspace cloud server build request
    module: rax
    credentials: “{{ credentials }}”
    name: “{{ item }}”
    flavor: “{{ flavor }}”
    image: “{{ image }}”
    region: “{{ region }}”
    files: “{{ files }}”
    wait: yes
    state: present
  • private
  • public
  • server-app-01
  • server-app-02register: rax

But the problem is that I can’t access these variables to add them to the dynamic inventory. I tried doing what the documentation said and taking into account the new ‘results’ key in the object, but nothing I do results in it correctly targeting the object value I want. This, to me, is the most logical attempt I have made for the results array, (which you can a stripped out version of here, these servers no longer exist)

  • name: Add each cloud server to host group
    module: add_host
    hostname: “{{ }}”
    ansible_ssh_host: “{{ item.instances.rax_accessipv4 }}”
    ansible_ssh_user: root
    groupname: deploy
    with_items: rax.results

This one results in
One or more undefined variables: ‘list object’ has no attribute ‘rax_accessipv4’

I have tried using rax.results.instances and then using etc, but this results in
One or more undefined variables: ‘unicode object’ has no attribute ‘rax_accessipv4’

I’ve tried too many to list here, for a very long time, but I’ve obviously got confused with how this is supposed to work, can I get some help please?

try using debug module to see the actual structure of the returned data:

debug: var=rax

Hi Brian, thanks for the response.

Perhaps I wasn’t clear in my answer but I actually posted a pastebin link in my second paragraph that shows the data structure output from debug. I stripped out some sensitive information but it is the same structurally.

“This, to me, is the most logical attempt I have made for the results array, (which you can a stripped out version of here, these servers no longer exist)”

Fortunately someone on stack overflow read my question and offered a solution. I don’t fully understand why it uses an array key tbh, but I will look into that on my own.