I am going to keep this post short and sweet and hope someone can help me wrap my head around how to grab values from key,value pairs returned by a script I an running.
I use the ansible “shell:” module to run a script that generates and API key and ID and prints the results to stdout and then I use register to save the data.
Lets say I use register: or set_fact: to save the results of the following command to ‘keyobject’:
./script generatekey bar --bw --obj
“app”: “bar”,
“id”: “3aa234234dfadsf2348351”,
“key”: “aeb46dasdfasdfcc9c5e2b031edsdddd2e56c33c7d61efbb071fb06”
When I attempt to do a simple debug: msg=“{{ keyobject” }} it will print everything out no problem (with some extra stuff added). But if I try something like {{ keyobject[‘key’] }} or keyobject.key or any other multitude of variations on that I am not having much success. It seems the json gets mangled or extra info added like ‘msg’.
I am too worn out now to post all of the different things I have tried and their resulting failures. I’ve gotten close but not further than close. If this isn’t possible let me know and I will stop torturing myself.
Based on the above output what would you try? I’ve also tried from_json and some other things. I was certain I would have this pegged within a few hours but after reading a million posts and trying to figure it out unsuccessfully with a co-worker I am feeling defeated