Hi All,
I’m trying to use custom fact registration in module but found problems when combined it with with_items
results = {}
facts = {}
results[‘ansible_facts’] = facts
facts[var] = os.path.exists(name)
While it works in simple cases - after with_items is added custom fact will not be available.
- file_check: name=${item} var=filename
- file1
- file2
- debug: msg=“${filename}”
TASK: [file_check name=${item} var=filename] **********************************
<> REMOTE_MODULE file_check name=file1 var=filename
ok: [] => (item=file1) => {“ansible_facts”: {“filename”: false}, “changed”: false, “item”: “file1”}
<> REMOTE_MODULE file_check name=file2 var=filename
ok: [] => (item=file2) => {“ansible_facts”: {“filename”: false}, “changed”: false, “item”: “file2”}
TASK: [debug msg=“${filename}”] ***********************************************
ok: [] => {“msg”: “${filename}”}
Is this some known issue?
When not using with_items:
TASK: [file_check name=somefile var=filename] *********************************
<> REMOTE_MODULE file_check name=somefile var=filename
ok: [] => {“ansible_facts”: {“filename”: false}, “changed”: false}
TASK: [debug msg=“${filename}”] ***********************************************
ok: [] => {“msg”: “False”}
I’d have to see your full module source to be able to tell what may be going on here.
Also I recommend using new style variables like {{ foo }} for consistency.
The old forms are not quite deprecated, but are discouraged.
The module itself is quite simple to test ansible var registration:
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
name = dict(required=True, type=‘str’),
var = dict(required=False, type=‘str’, default=‘file_check’)
var = module.params[‘var’]
name = module.params[‘name’]
results = {}
facts = {}
results[‘ansible_facts’] = facts
facts[var] = os.path.exists(name)
include magic from lib/ansible/module_common.py
I’m using latest 1.3 HEAD
with_items is probably not happy when being used with fact modules. This is not /too/ surprising.
In either case, you’d want to make sure you changed the variable each time.
It would be much easier to just use the ‘stat’ module in 1.3 with register, or a basic shell test, but please file a github ticket for this and we can investigate.
I discovered this problem while testing our custom “unpack” module which does generic unzip/untar
- unpack: src=${item} dest=/somepath fact=unpack_dir
- test.zip
- test.tar
Here I want to register a single fact unpack_dir in order to not copy/paste complex dest value in subsequent tasks.
This fact value should stay same when single dest directory used for multiple input archives.