is there some option to make ansible-playbook “quiet” about its own output and print only the explicit debug msg in line #17 . I tried to ‘use no_log: True’ both on task and tasks level but it suppresses all output.
Thanks in advance & BR,
ansible-playbook reduce_output.yaml
ok: [localhost] => (item={‘path’: ‘/tmp/.X11-unix/X0’, ‘mode’: ‘0777’, ‘isdir’: False, ‘ischr’: False, ‘isblk’: False, ‘isreg’: False, ‘isfifo’: False, ‘islnk’: False, ‘issock’: True, ‘uid’: 0, ‘gid’: 0, ‘size’: 0, ‘inode’: 38, ‘dev’: 37, ‘nlink’: 1, ‘atime’: 1625305628.0993037, ‘mtime’: 1625305628.0993037, ‘ctime’: 1625305628.0993037, ‘gr_name’: ‘root’, ‘pw_name’: ‘root’, ‘wusr’: True, ‘rusr’: True, ‘xusr’: True, ‘wgrp’: True, ‘rgrp’: True, ‘xgrp’: True, ‘woth’: True, ‘roth’: True, ‘xoth’: True, ‘isuid’: False, ‘isgid’: False}) => {
“msg”: “* FILE: /tmp/.X11-unix/X0”
1 —
2 - name: ‘playbook debugging output from find’
3 hosts: localhost
4 gather_facts: no
5 ##no_log: True ##kills all output
7 tasks:
8 - name: find /tmp
9 find:
10 path: /tmp/
11 file_type: any # default: file
12 recurse: yes # default false
13 register: out
15 - name: list files line by line
16 debug:
17 msg: “* FILE: {{ item.path }}”
18 with_items:
19 - “{{ out.files }}”