We currently use a role comprising shell commands to subscribe systems to Red Hat Network but I noticed that there is now a redhat_subscription module, providing basic functionality in this area.
Are there any plans to enhance the functionality of this module? It’s currently not useful to us because of our specific (and I’m sure not unique) use-case. We have multiple license pools which are identically named, each with its own license availability. This has resulted from ongoing license purchases over time.
Problem: the redhat_subscription module subscribes a system to every license pool matching the specified name.
So are there any plans to add intelligence to this module? In particular, are there any plans to have it process the license availability in each pool and only attempt to subscribe to one that actually has availability? As opposed to blindly attempting to subscribe to a matched pool.
I'd really like to see some improvements to this module as well. The current situation keeps me from using it. Instead I
also have a bunch of shell tasks that handle registering and attaching a host to a specific pool.
The problem I have with this module is that there is an argument called "pool" which actually is misleading. With Red
Hat subscriptions pools are unique ID that identify a collection of different Red Hat products. If I attach to a pool, I
get this exact collection.
The Ansible module uses the pool parameter as regex to search into all available Red Hat pools for products that match
(and than attach to all RH pools that match).
I’d like to request a feature enhancement, too. It would be great to have an option to enable/disable a repository in redhat.repo file using the subscription-manager. The requested feature is described by this Red Hat Article.
To enable/disable a repository in redhat.repo file you could use:
[root@server ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-6-server-optional-rpms
[root@server ~]# subscription-manager repos --disable=rhel-6-server-optional-rpms
I would like to have the same option in the redhat_subscription module.
Sounds like it could be a pretty straightforward patch for somebody, and it’s a great way to learn more about how Ansible works.
There are over 2000 contributors to Ansible, and the vast majority of them are users who submitted small-ish patches to add functionality in cases just like this.
For more info: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/developing_modules.html