Hi !
I need a suggestion from you to solve a problem I’m facing, here it is…
The problem:
I have a ElasticSearch cluster composed of 6 nodes. During the non work hours I would like to substitute 4 of those 6 ec2 instance for a different server (cheaper instance). The main problem is: How can I proceed to the next server , and remove it from the cluster, since I must wait for the cluster to get in the “green state” ?
Below you can see how I stop the instances:
- name: Stopping ES
instance_ids: “{{ item }}”
region: sa-east-1
state: stopped
wait: True
with_items: es_ids
tags: - esi_stop
and how I run the cluster health check:
- name: Checking ES Cluster Status
register: cluster_status
until: “‘{{ cluster_status.json.status }}’ == ‘green’”
retries: 5
delay: 30
tags: - check_cluster_status
Thanks in advance!