Hello everyone,
First time poster here so apologies if something is not in correct format.
I am trying to read a two values in a script which are set inside a role using set_fact. The role is called twice using with-items from the script.
But do not know how to get values in calling script.
In below example, I am expecting two values in variable value_in_role_register
Could someone please help how to achieve this ?
Here is the role which is emitting value_in_role with time stamp.
(Vladimir Botka)
December 9, 2020, 9:09am
# dummy_role.yml
- name: set x
value_in_role: "{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}"
# test.yaml
- hosts: local
connection: local
- name: Task 1
name: dummy_role
register: "value_in_role_register"
- call-1st-Time
- call-2nd-Time
- debug:
msg="value_in_role_register => {{ value_in_role_register.results }}"
- debug:
msg="value_in_role => {{ value_in_role }}"
Output (expecting two values in *value_in_role_register* but that is not
the case
ok: [local] => {
"msg": "*value_in_role_register* => [{'item': u'call-1st-Time',
'ansible_loop_var': u'item', 'include_args': {u'name': u'dummy_role'}},
{'item': u'call-2nd-Time', 'ansible_loop_var': u'item', 'include_args':
{u'name': u'dummy_role'}}]"
"include_role" does not return the tasks' results. Instead, you might
want to iterate the task inside the role and create the list of the
results there. For example
> cat roles/dummy_role/tasks/main.yml
- shell: "sleep 1 && date +%T"
register: value_in_role
loop: "{{ calls }}"
> cat playbook.yml
- hosts: localhost
- include_role:
name: dummy_role
calls: [call-1st-Time,call-2nd-Time,call-3nd-Time]
- debug:
msg: "{{ dict(value_in_role.results|
json_query(' .[item,stdout]')) }}"
ok: [localhost] =>
call-1st-Time: '10:04:22'
call-2nd-Time: '10:04:23'
call-3nd-Time: '10:04:24'
TASK [debug]
ok: [local] => {
"msg": "*value_in_role* => 2020-12-09T04:56:22Z"
JFYI, the value of "ansible_date_time" is set by the module "setup".
It's not updated automatically. You have to execute "setup" to update
Thanks Vladimir for complete working example. Yes it resolved the use case I have.
Wondering if it is the issue with ‘set_fact’ vs ‘register’ used in role when role is called multiple times. Seems like set_fact (sets only last value) instead of maintaining multiple values as register does when called in a loop.
Yours >> register: value_in_role
Mine >> set_fact:
Anyways, thanks again !
(Vladimir Botka)
December 9, 2020, 8:35pm
... Seems like set_fact (sets only last value) instead of
maintaining multiple values as register does when called in a loop.
Correct. The next option would be the addition of an item to
the list, e.g. *my_dates*, in each invocation of the role
> cat roles/dummy_role_02/tasks/main.yml
- setup:
gather_subset: date_time
- set_fact:
my_dates: "{{ my_dates|default( ) +
[ansible_date_time.iso8601_micro] }}"
Then the playbook
- hosts: localhost
calls: [call-1st-Time,call-2nd-Time,call-3nd-Time]
- include_role:
name: dummy_role_02
loop: "{{ calls }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ dict(calls|zip(my_dates)) }}"
call-1st-Time: '2020-12-09T20:33:06.776459Z'
call-2nd-Time: '2020-12-09T20:33:07.267783Z'
call-3nd-Time: '2020-12-09T20:33:07.862950Z'
If you're interested in profiling see
Thanks for sharing… always good to know multiple approaches to solve a problem .