rds module doesn't support/allow Boto config file?

Attempting to provision an AWS RDS instance using
http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/rds_module.html. The module indicates
that it requires boto, which itself can read configuration data from a
number of paths including ~/.boto [1]. However the module indicates
that the 'region' parameter is required, or if not specified, the
EC2_REGION environment variable. Without providing the region in
either of those settings, the play does indeed error out:

TASK [create database] **********************************

fatal: [example.com -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false,
"failed": true, "msg": "Region not specified. Unable to determine
region from EC2_REGION."}

Is it intentional that the module does not support Boto's
configuration file parameters? In this case, Boto is configured with
appropriate settings:

# ~/.boto
aws_access_key_id = ********************
aws_secret_access_key = *****************************

ec2_region_name = us-west-2

It would be a duplication of config to have to also extract the region
name out to a shell environment file. Can this module be allowed to
support the dependent library's native configuration in the event that
either region parameter is not explicitly set?

[1] http://docs.pythonboto.org/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html

Kind regards,

I think there’s a swarm of errors around region handling in the AWS stuff, I encountered something similar/related in the S3 module today.