Random var and lenguage reference


I would like to get a 3 digit random number, for example 001.
I have come to get:


  • name: We assign a fixed random variable throughout the execution.
    Random_Fix: “{{ 100 | random }}”
    run_once: yes

¿Which language uses “{{100 | random}}” or where can I find reference for this language?

I have been listening for a long time how easy it is to work with ansible, but at the moment it is not being.

In Ansible {{ }} indicate templating, "language" is Jinja[1].
Ansible extend Jinja with some custom filters[2] and replaces some of the default filters in Jinja, random is such a filter.

[1] jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/templates/
[2] https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbooks_filters.html