Questions regarding porting action plugin from 1.8.x to 2.x


I’ve delayed porting my pre 2.0 action plugins, but now it’s finally time to attempt to upgrade to ansible 2.x, and i have a few questions.

The porting guide is rather lacking in details, especially regarding action plugins, but i have this really simple (but incredibly stupid) plugin which i either need to work for 2.x or someone suggest a workaround to get my desired behaviour, which basically is:

From a play - set a variable available on all hosts, across all plays – basically i need to be able to run a task anywhere - and have the variable stay the same across all hosts for the duration of the entire playbook.

Note i can’t convert everything to -e/extra vars from the command line, since a lot of the variables are dependent on other variables from plays/tasks/whatever, during the playbook execution.

Example usage:

  • name: “Set variables”
    local_action: inject_vars
    is_a: true
    is_b: false

This is the meat of the plugin that currently works as i want it to:

class ActionModule(object):
‘’’ Create inventory groups based on variables ‘’’

We need to be able to modify the inventory


def run(self, conn, tmp, module_name, module_args, inject, complex_args=None, **kwargs):

… irelevant handling of args

inventory = self.runner.inventory
allgroup = inventory.get_group(‘all’)

for k, v in data.iteritems():
allgroup.set_variable(k, v)

result = {‘changed’: True, ‘data’: data}
return ReturnData(conn=conn, comm_ok=True, result=result)

Action plugins seems to have changed quite a bit in 2.x and i’m currently unable to get anything to work, that will allow me to access the current inventory. There’s probably very good reasons for this (and my desired functionality probably conflicts quite a bit with what should be allowed).

I’ve tried gaining access to inventory, variable manager/tqm – no luck so far.

So - any ideas on how i can continue progress from here?

Thanks in advance.

Those are things only available 'pre fork', the plugin executes post
fork. FYI, you can probably do same with set_fact/delegate_facts.