Question on Win_Module for modifying Security Policy

Hello all!
My co-workers harden and configure base images for Windows 2008r2 using an importable .INF file. It has entries such as:

[System Access]
MinimumPasswordAge = 2
MaximumPasswordAge = 30
MinimumPasswordLength = 8
PasswordComplexity = 1

[System Log]
MaximumLogSize = 81920
AuditLogRetentionPeriod = 0
RestrictGuestAccess = 1

[Service General Setting]


As well as Registry entries. I’ve found the module for importing registry entries easily; however, how can I merge in keys & values for SecPol entries? What win_ module would be used for that?

I would like to know how to add these via a module, which would show granular import success / failure, rather than a CLI raw command. I’m interested in running this action against newly-instantiated cloud VMs.

Thank you for advice / direction!