Question about running a task based on facts

Hi All,

Say I have the following facts for a server (relevant parts):

ansibletest | success >> {
“ansible_facts”: {

“ansible_em1”: {

“module”: “bnx2”,

“ansible_em2”: {
“module”: “tg2”,
“ansible_em3”: {
“module”: “bnx2”,


Say I only want to run a task once and only once IF at least one interface is running the module “bnx2”. How would you do it?


Here’s one possible way (untested so might have a small typo or something)

  • name: assume no bnx2 modules

set_fact: bnx2=no

  • name: flag we have a bnx2 module if we find any
    set_fact: bnx2=yes
    when: hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘ansible_’ + item][‘module’] == ‘bnx’
    with_items: ansible_interfaces

  • name: do the thing
    shell: echo thing
    when: bnx2 == ‘yes’

Thanks Michael, I knew there would have to be a way :slight_smile: Here’s a slightly modified (and tested) version of your suggestion that might help someone one day:

  • hosts: all

  • name: assume no bnx2 modules
    set_fact: bnx2=no

  • name: flag we have a bnx2 module if we find any
    set_fact: bnx2=yes
    when: “‘module’ in hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘ansible_’ + item] and hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘ansible_’ + item][‘module’] == ‘bnx2’”
    with_items: ansible_interfaces

  • name: bnx2 found
    debug: msg=“got one!”
    when: bnx2 == ‘yes’