I recently started ansible and have a question:
- Lets say we have like 100 playbooks running against a few hundred hosts, perhaps some playbooks are running against different groups as defined in the ansible host file.
Do we have a way to know which groups of hosts have which playbooks that are running against them?
Meaning I do not have to open each and every playbook just to see what hosts they are running against?
Any advise is appreciated!
good question. wondering if there is a way to find out this as well.
i find that ansible inventory “management” is rather tricky
Well, I have not found something in ansible which can tell us that info at a glance.
I’m new as well. If you are suing tower, does it track this?
If not using tower…
Since when ansible runs, other than the effects of the playbooks, it cleans it self up.
In each playbook you can always maintain an ini or some resource file you recreate at each run to add an entry for each playbook.
Or an ini with a section for each playbook, and a time stamp for the run to keep a running log.
This way you can run a ansible job that queries this file to see the last time each playbook ran.
My 2 cents.
Hi, yeah i know we can do some sort of work around it to keep track.
Just thought if ansible already has something in place…
i remembered puppet has this site.pp file which includes the manifests that the nodes have… (or my recollection fails me…)
Remember, puppet has clients that run locally.
Have you looked into tower? See if it tracks the hosts?
i only installed the open source AWX, will try to play around the GUI pages there to see if something useful comes up…