Question about Ansible Directory Layout

I am in the process of setting up a centralized ansible server for my organization. i have been using ansible myself for my home projects for a few years now, so I am not really new to the product. I am thinking about using the “Alternate” layout, from the Ansible Best Practices page. Is anyone using this layout, and if so have you found any issues with having the playbooks in the root of the project structure, or did you end up separating them into their own playbooks folder. We do plan on kicking the tires on AWX/Tower as well, so when I set this up, I want to try and keep that in mind.

Any advice you have would be much appreciated. Like I said, I have used this for myself, but this is the first time I am setting up an instance for a multi-tenant environment, so I wanted to make sure I avoid as many landmines as possible here. :smiley: Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond.
