python 'requests' module installed but ansible doesnt think it is

Hi all -

Im trying to get community.vmware.plugins.inventory.vmware_vm_inventory working, but when I try to parse a yml inventory referencing the plugin I get the following error:

[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /home/user/hosts.vmware.yml with plugin: Please install “requests” Python module as this is required for VMware Guest dynamic inventory plugin.

However, pip3 list shows requests is installed:

$ pip3 list

requests 2.25.1

I’ve tried uninstalling / reinstalling, and I initially had everything installed via pip3 as --user but then uninstalled and reinstalled everything as root.

Any ideas? I’ve googled around but I feel like im missing something
Thanks in advance if anyone can assist.

Any progress on this thread? I am having this exact same issue. I’m assuming maybe Ansible or the plugin are looking in the wrong place for the ‘request’ module, but I’m not sure where to look so I can point it in the right direction.