Hello I’m trying to use the ansible module github_release that use the python module github3.py.
The machine that I need run the playbook don’t have permission to access the internet so I downloaded (pip download github3.py) then in other machine I inslated (pip install ./*.whl).
I’m sure that the python module is instaled:
*$ pip show github3**.py*
*Name: github3.py*
*Version: 1.3.0*
*Summary: Python wrapper for the GitHub API(http://developer.github.com/v3)*
*Home-page: https://github3.readthedocs.io Author: Ian Stapleton Cordasco*
*Author-email: graffatcolmingov@gmail.com*
*License: 3-clause BSD Location: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages*
*Requires: python-dateutil, uritemplate, requests, jwcrypto Required-by:*
But my playbook have the same error:
*TASK* <i>[Get latest release from repository] ***********************************************************************************************************************
</i> *fatal: [vg1200yr.dc.sedc.internal.vodafone.com]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Missing required github3 module (check docs or install with: pip install github3.py==1.0.0a4)"}*
*Any idea why my playbook can find the github3 module?*