Provide select access to future objects

I am using ansible-playbook to create a dev user which should have only read access in PostgreSQL but after creating dev user, the user is able to perform DML commands within his user scope and also not able to read to future objects or tables means the dev user can't access the tables created from root user. How I can restrict dev user to create/insert/update/delete and other DML commands and allow to access future objects. This is what I am using:

- database: testDB
   grant_option: no
   objs: ALL_IN_SCHEMA
   state: present
   privs: select
   type: table
   role: read_only_role

I am using ansible-playbook to create a dev user which should have only read access in PostgreSQL but after creating dev user, the user is able to perform DML commands within his user scope and also not able to read to future objects or tables means the dev user can’t access the tables created from root user. How I can restrict dev user to create/insert/update/delete and other DML commands and allow to access future objects. This is what I am using:

  • database: testDB
    grant_option: no
    objs: ALL_IN_SCHEMA
    state: present
    privs: select
    type: table
    role: read_only_role

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