I am fairly new to Ansible and having a problem with a playbook in which I wish to have a handler run one script if the target OS is in the RedHat family and another script if the target OS is in the Debian family. I am clearly doing this wrong. Here’s the relevant snippet:
- name: restart foo
shell: /etc/init.d/barfoo stop ; /etc/init.d/barfoo start
when: ansible_os_family == “RedHat”
shell: /etc/init.d/bazfooinit stop ; /etc/init.dbazfooinit start
when: ansible_os_family == “Debian”
This works fine for the targets running a Debian distro (in this case two Debians and an Ubuntu) but does not work. for the hosts running a Red Hat distro (actually three CentOS servers, all running the same version of CentOS). The handler just returns “skipping: []” for each CentOS host.
Running ansible against those targets with -m setup -a ‘filter=ansible_os_family’ returns the expected “RedHat” for the CentOS hosts.
I suspect I am doing something wrong. Is it not possible to have two “when:” statements and only the last one is interpreted? That would seem to explain what I am seeing. If that, or something similar is the case how can I accomplish what I need to do… kind of a “if RedHat, elseif Debian” sort of behavior?