Problems with VMWARE and In-Memory Inventory

Hi all,
I don’t know what I do wrong… I try create VMs (vmware) and provisioning after that. But when try add this new vms to inventory with add_host only add one.

The task “Gather VM facts (vmware_guest_facts)” recover 2 IPs but then “Add Host to inventory” only add one IP to in-memory inventory.

I try multiples scenarios (with_dict/set_fact…) to add_host to inventory but nothing work!

Any idias what I do wrong, any suggestions?



ansible 2.5.0 config file = /var/adm/ssoo/opt/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible-2.5.0-py2.7.egg/ansible executable location = /usr/bin/ansible python version = 2.7.5 (default, Aug 4 2017, 00:39:18) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)]

# cat /etc/ansible/hosts

learn[05:06] disk=‘10’ datastore=‘LUN24_VNX5600_MIRROR’ network=‘dvPortGroupCentral’ memory=‘256’ cpucount=‘1’ osid=‘centos64Guest’ ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/root/.ssh/learning.pem ansible_user=root ansible_password=xxxxxxx learn[05:06].node.consul=learn[05:06]




The probleme seems that Ansible do not that it needs to loop on the add_host part, since there is no parameter like {{ inventory_hostname }} to indicate it needs to loop on it.

Maybe if you try to add a false variable set to the inventory_hostname, it could help it to loop ?
Should look like this :

  • name: Add Host to inventory
    hostname: “{{ vm_facts.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0] }}”
    groups: in-memory-vms
    ansible_ssh_host: “{{ vm_facts.ansible_facts.hw_eth0.ipaddresses[0] }}”
    ansible_user: root
    ansible_password: xxxxxxxxx
    ansible_distribution: “CentOS”
    ansible_system: “Linux”
    foo: {{ inventory_hostname }}

Hi Sebastien,
I try with a loop but the result it’s the same. Only add one of both. Learn05 (.232.141)

The loop:


  • name: DEBUG Show inventory_hostname
    debug: msg=“inventory_hostname {{inventory_hostname}}”

  • name: Add_host with Loop
    name: “{{item.value.ipv4}}”
    groups: in-memory-vms
    ansible_ssh_host: “{{item.value.ipv4}}”
    ansible_distribution: “CentOS”
    ansible_system: “Linux”
    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /root/.ssh/ansible.pem
    with_dict: “{{ instance_facts }}”
    when: item.key in [‘instance’]
    changed_when: false


When execute the new playbook, only added learn05, but the debug in “TASK [vmware : DEBUG Show inventory_hostname]” show two hosts.

In the common role I added a debug line “TASK [common : debug]” to show all groups outside of vmware role. If you can see the in-memory-vms group have only one IP learn05 (.232.141)

[root@learn01 ansible]# ./createvm.yml

PLAY [centos-vms] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [vmware : include_tasks] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /var/adm/ssoo/opt/ansible/roles/vmware/tasks/create_vms_from_template.yml for learn05, learn06

TASK [vmware : Create VM from Template] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [learn06 → localhost]
changed: [learn05 → localhost]

TASK [vmware : Espera asignacion de IP via DHCP] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Pausing for 60 seconds
(ctrl+C then ‘C’ = continue early, ctrl+C then ‘A’ = abort)
ok: [learn05]

TASK [vmware : Gather instance facts] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [learn06]
ok: [learn05]

TASK [vmware : DEBUG Show inventory_hostname] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [learn05] => {
“msg”: “inventory_hostname learn05”
ok: [learn06] => {
“msg”: “inventory_hostname learn06”

TASK [vmware : Add_host with Loop] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [learn05] => (item={‘key’: u’instance’, ‘value’: {u’hw_name’: u’learn05’, u’hw_power_status’: u’poweredOn’, u’hw_processor_count’: 1, u’hw_memtotal_mb’: 256, u’module_hw’: True, u’snapshots’: , u’customvalues’: {}, u’hw_guest_full_name’: u’CentOS 4/5/6/7 (64-bit)‘, u’hw_interfaces’: [u’eth0’], u’hw_guest_id’: u’centos64Guest’, u’current_snapshot’: None, u’ipv6’: None, u’guest_tools_version’: u’10249’, u’hw_eth0’: {u’macaddress’: u’00:50:56:81:16:fe’, u’addresstype’: u’assigned’, u’macaddress_dash’: u’00-50-56-81-16-fe’, u’label’: u’Network adapter 1’, u’ipaddresses’: [u’’], u’summary’: u’DVSwitch: 79 24 01 50 c4 9c af f0-ce 89 4a 9a 00 1a d2 e8’}, u’hw_product_uuid’: u’4201f0a4-fa12-f243-a715-227d401193bf’, u’annotation’: u’‘, u’guest_tools_status’: u’guestToolsRunning’, u’ipv4’: u’’}})
skipping: [learn05] => (item={‘key’: ‘attempts’, ‘value’: 1})
skipping: [learn05] => (item={‘key’: ‘changed’, ‘value’: False})
skipping: [learn05] => (item={‘key’: u’failed’, ‘value’: False})

PLAY [in-memory-vms] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [common : debug] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
“groups”: {
“all”: [
“centos-vms”: [
“in-memory-vms”: [
“solaris”: [

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=14 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
learn05 : ok=6 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
learn06 : ok=4 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0



Ansible 2.5 is not stable as of now… I would recommend to use 2.3.x or 2.4.y version to use in production…
Anyway this is not the problem here.
As written in documentation, add_host broke loop_play (in note section : This module bypasses the play host loop and only runs once for all the hosts in the play, if you need it to iterate use a with_ directive). So it works as defined



16 octobre 2017 10:35 “Mariano Obarrio Miles” <> a écrit:


There’s a loop indeed, but I thinks there’s something wrong in your variable because it is looping with
first iteration item.key ==> 'instance"
second iteration item.key ==> ‘attempts’
third_iteration item.key ==> ‘changed’,
fourth iteration item.key ==> ‘failed’

So it’s more a bug in your variable you are using than the loop itself which the problem lies…



17 octobre 2017 13:27 “Mariano Obarrio Miles” <> a écrit:


For my part, I’m using the way described by JYL.


  • include_role:
    name: myrolewhoaddsininventory
    with_items: “{{ mylist }}”

the add_host task is included amonfg other things in the role.
And at the end, I get the in-memory inventory properly filed.

Hi Jean,

About this:

There’s a loop indeed, but I thinks there’s something wrong in your variable because it is looping with
first iteration item.key ==> 'instance"
second iteration item.key ==> ‘attempts’
third_iteration item.key ==> ‘changed’,
fourth iteration item.key ==> ‘failed’

In the loop I use “when: item.key in [‘instance’]” because the facts have others keys I need ignore.

ASK [vmware : Add_host with Loop] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [learn05] => (item={'key': u'instance', 'value': {u'hw_name': u'learn05', u'hw_power_status': u'poweredOn', u'hw_processor_count': 1, u'hw_memtotal_mb': 256, u'module_hw': True, u'snapshots': [], u'customvalues': {}, u'hw_guest_full_name': u'CentOS 4/5/6/7 (64-bit)', u'hw_interfaces': [u'eth0'], u'hw_guest_id': u'centos64Guest', u'current_snapshot': None, u'ipv6': None, u'guest_tools_version': u'10249', u'hw_eth0': {u'macaddress': u'00:50:XX:81:XX:XX', u'addresstype': u'assigned', u'macaddress_dash': u'00-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX', u'label': u'Network adapter 1', u'ipaddresses': [u''], u'summary': u'DVSwitch: 79 24 01 50 c4 9c af f0-ce 89 4a 9a 00 1a d2 e8'}, u'hw_product_uuid': u'4201f0a4-fa12-f243-a715-227d401193bf', u'annotation': u'', u'guest_tools_status': u'guestToolsRunning', u'ipv4': u''}}) skipping: [learn05] => (item={'key': 'attempts', 'value': 1}) skipping: [learn05] => (item={'key': 'changed', 'value': False}) skipping: [learn05] => (item={'key': u'failed', 'value': False})

ok: [learn05] => {
“instance_facts”: {
“attempts”: 1,
“changed”: false,
“failed”: false,
“instance”: {
“annotation”: “”,
“current_snapshot”: null,
“customvalues”: {},
“guest_tools_status”: “guestToolsRunning”,
“guest_tools_version”: “10249”,
“hw_eth0”: {
“addresstype”: “assigned”,
“ipaddresses”: [
“label”: “Network adapter 1”,
“macaddress”: “00:X0:5X:81:60:Xa”,
“macaddress_dash”: “00-X0-5X-81-60-Xa”,
“summary”: “DVSwitch: 79 24 01 50 c4 9c af f0-ce 89 4a 9a 00 1a d2 e8”
“hw_guest_full_name”: “CentOS 4/5/6/7 (64-bit)”,
“hw_guest_id”: “centos64Guest”,
“hw_interfaces”: [
“hw_memtotal_mb”: 256,
“hw_name”: “learn05”,
“hw_power_status”: “poweredOn”,
“hw_processor_count”: 1,
“hw_product_uuid”: “4201c0c8-179f-8f8b-eb84-ad1684f493bf”,
“ipv4”: “”,
“ipv6”: null,
“module_hw”: true,


About now, I downgrade ansible to 2.4 and remove the loop but the behaviour it’s the same.

[root@learn01 ansible]# ansible --version
ansible config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible executable location = /usr/bin/ansible python version = 2.7.5 (default, Aug 4 2017, 00:39:18) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)]


Hi Sebastien,
You have a role to create VMs and other to add_host to inventory? I try it and send you a feedback soon.




I use the same role to create the VM and add_host.
This way, with the first item, it creates the VM and add it to the in-memory inventory.
Then it loops and do the same with the second item.
Unless you destroy your in-memory inventory at some point, it will be available and used through all the play.

Best Regards,

Ok now all work fine, I make some mistakes!!!

Downgrade to stable Ansible version just like suggested Jean solved different issues like “wait_for_ip_address: true” in ansible 2.4 work but in 2.5 not.

Now I don’t use in-memory inventory, I solve it setting ansible_ssh_host, because the server exist in the inventory and I don’t need duplicate it.
