I am having problems running the following play:
- hosts: cil-fw
gather_facts: no
connection: local
vars_files: - ./cilfu-vars.yml
- ./cil-vault.yml
host: “{{ inventory_hostname }}”
username: “{{ cil_admin_username }}”
password: “{{ cil_admin_password }}”
transport: cli
name: Get Version
commands: -
show version
provider: “{{ cli }}” -
name: Add Context
lines: -
context cilfu
allocate-interface Port-channel1.102
allocate-interface Port-channel1.703
config-url disk0:/cilfu.cfg
context: system
provider: “{{ cli }}” -
name: Configure the outside interface
lines: -
nameif outside
context: cilfu
parents: [‘interface Port-channel1.102’]
provider: “{{ cli }}”
The first problem was with authentication. Originally, I had “authorize” and “auth_pass” set, but it did not seem to be able to enable properly:
TASK [Add Context] *************************************************************
fatal: [csn-sjc18-asa1]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: "matched error in response: changeto system\r\n^\r\nERROR: % Invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker.\r\n\rcsn-sjc18-asa1/admin> "}
I got around this problem by giving the admin user auto-exec. The next play seems to run:
PLAY [cil-fw] ******************************************************************
TASK [Get Version] *************************************************************
ok: [csn-sjc18-asa1]
TASK [Add Context] *************************************************************
changed: [csn-sjc18-asa1]
TASK [Configure the outside interface] *****************************************
fatal: [csn-sjc18-asa1]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “commands”: [“configure terminal”, “interface Port-channel1.102”, “nameif outside”, “end”], “failed”: true, “msg”: "matched error in response: bal\r\nCryptochecksum:45e26010ee904847ecd150979e737e47\r\n: end\r\n\rcsn-sjc18-asa1/cilfu# Port-channel1.102\r\n ^\r\nERROR: % Invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker.\r\n\rcsn-sjc18-asa1/cilfu# "}
to retry, use: --limit @/Users/stevenca/Box Sync/csn/cil/ansible/cilfu-asa.retry
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
csn-sjc18-asa1 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=1
Task “Add Context” seems to complete, but the context does not show up in the config. When I add it manually and try to configure nameif under the interface, I get the failure that I see above. Is this module still in the works or am I doing something wrong (or both)? In either case, I am happy to do some testing on it.