I need to install configuration files for an application on multiple hosts, where
(1) each host needs a different collection of files, and
(2) each file may have different content for each host.
I have the following file layout:
etc etc.
In ./roles/myapp/tasks/main.yml, I want something like the following task:
- name: install config files
copy: dest=/etc/myapp/{{ item }} src={{ ansible_hostname }}/{{ item }}
with_fileglob: - “{{ ansible_hostname }}/*.conf”
The problem is that the “with_fileglob” line sets {{ item }} to an absolute filename like
which must be copied to /etc/myapp/foo.conf on the host01 system.
Is there some way I can extract just the ‘foo.conf’ part of the full name, or does ansible have
a different way to perform such a task?