Problems passing complex object via role dependencies

The goal is to pass a complex object to a dependent role.
This works fine for scalars, but I was having troubles with
a dict.

Full details at the gist which i accidentally made private:

Or you can clone it and make it public perhaps:

Solution (thought i’d share it) and ask if there is an easier way.

called role. use jinja filters to recompose string to json and

then capture it.

 - debug: msg="{{complex | to_json | capture(complicated)}}"

Passing tags as an array to role dependencies failed with a python error also… perhaps related to Kesten’s post? Bear in mind I though it was probably a “bad thing” to pass tags like this as it could lead to inconsistent state and painful debugging, so moved on.

My example:


This list does not allow mentioning of “a Python error” without actually pasting what the error is :slight_smile:

Can you please file a github ticket? Thanks!

Hah! Was nowhere near an environment I could run ansible at while writing that post. Filed now;