Problem with vsphere_guest on vm_extra_config and state reconfigured

Dear list,

i want to change a parameter in the vm_extra_config from what i understand will modify my .vmx of my VM.

This is my part of the vm_extra_config:

notes: “{{ notes }}”
vcpu.hotadd: yes
mem.hotadd: yes
folder: “{{ folder }}”
tools.upgrade.policy: upgradeAtPowerCycle

Everything works fine, till to the last entry.
By no chance it will be changed with
state: reconfigured
or got it from the beginning with
state: present (create new VM)

Second problem, also with
state: reconfigured
if i change a parameter in

network: Portgroup

to a new value (New_Portgroup) it does also not recognizes it.
In fact it disconnects the adapter from the vSwitch in the end.
But it always says, OK after the run without the change of the portgroup for this adapter.

If i change for example CPU-Count, RAM, Disk etc. this works fine.

So any ideas how to get the new parameters into the .vmx?
And how to change a portgroup with state: reconfigured?
Or do i have to do this with state: present?

Right now i am on: ansible 1.9.3

Thx a lot in advance!



no one any ideas on that?



Hi Timo,

I have the same issue at the moment, I can not change any of the network configuration or even add/change the notes. Adding a CPU or changing disk or memory is working.

Also I do not get any errors on the network change.