Problem with updating Ansible from 1.9 to 2.0


I’ve been made a orchistration tool by Ansible1.9, and trying to update Ansible to the 2.0version.
I found there are some syntax rules that were changed (maybe bugs?) in Ansbile2.0.

I have to use modules in playbook, which are written as bash scripts,
and there are some parameters that contain space in their arguments.
When I execute playbook in Ansbile1.9, result showed the argument like var=“argument A”.
While in Ansbile 2.0, it is now shown as var=“‘argument A’”.
The argument will be added a pair of quotation marks inside the double quotation marks.

I’m wondering why the difference happened? Which of the two results should be right?
If this is a bug in Ansible2.0, can I expect that it will be fixed?
Here is the sample module. And results in both version of Ansible.