Problem with templates

I have this very simple playbook



Not sure exactly but it looks like you’re mixing key=value args and yaml styl args. Try the following

Hi J Hawkesworth, thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I did try before both of your suggestions and the same error, I have multiple Ansible machine and only in this one does not work. Is basically ignoring the dest argument, definitely the output of the error is not correct. My inventory is pretty simple, I actually found this issue trying to do something else so I create this small test to narrow down the problem.

This is the output of the whole test:


➜ Ansible cat test.yml

Hellow Roger

I put this way and works for me

- name: Copy ntp.conf from template

  template: src=ntp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ntp.conf

  when: ansible_hostname != 'vmlog'


   - restart ntp

Try to put without ’ ’

Hi Vamberto, thank you so much for responding.
Take a look to my previous post, I did not use any quotation and still did not work. I know also that if I copy the same playbook to another Ansible Machine it does work perfectly, I was trying to find here if there is any know issue that shows an output like this, definitely I think that there is some kind of problem with output because the destination is provided. Any idea of what could lead to this behavior?