Hi Ansible Experts!
I use ansible on linux Centos
I have one problem when I want to run a shell program on remote host in background
I have a shell program ControllerAgent like that :
[root@157501lepca02 bin]# pwd
[root@157501lepca02 bin]# ls -l
total 320
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13698 7 mars 09:04 ControllerAgent
If I run manually my shell program ControllerAgent as following :
[root@157501lepca02 bin]# nohup /home/neoload69/bin/ControllerAgent </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
[1] 10147
[root@157501lepca02 bin]#
it works well
But when I want to run my shell program ControllerAgent in a ansible playbook as following :
hosts: [xx.yyy.tt.xxx]
become: yes
remote_user: deploy75
… -
name: Starting Controller Agent
shell: sh nohup /home/neoload69/bin/ControllerAgent </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Nothing happens, it means that no process of my shell program ControllerAgent is created
Do you have an idea of the problem to help me ?
Thanks a lots
Best regards
NB : the remote user deploy75 is in the visudo file of the remote machine xx.yyy.tt.xxx like
Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
deploy75 ALL=(ALL) ALL